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843 S. 21st Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220
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Manitowoc, WI 54220
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Peter’s Pantry has a manager who oversees the operations, and is governed by a Board of Directors. However, it is through the generous help of dozens of volunteers that the pantry can function. The heart of Peter’s Pantry is a caring, concerned pool of 50 – 80 volunteers who treat food recipients with respect and courtesy. Volunteers keep the pantry organized, clean and running smoothly, and assist with food distribution.
Volunteers are needed seven days a week, whether the pantry is open or closed to the public. On days when food distribution is not occurring, volunteers perform many maintenance and organizational activities. Volunteers also help us with the many special events for donating food that occur on the weekends.
There are many times and opportunities available to help, from just a few hours a week, to multiple opportunities all week long. There are also opportunities for groups to come and help. Volunteer service at Peter’s Pantry is a great opportunity for individuals, families, service clubs and organizations to help feed our community.
Peter’s Pantry is blessed to receive over 200,000 volunteer hours a year!